If you find a job posting for a community college that clearly states that the job will close on 08/15/2017, what does this mean?

a. Someone will be hired by that date.
b. The employer is only hiring until that date.
c. After that date, the employer will no longer accept job applications.
d. On that date, all of the résumés the employer has received will be discarded

c. After that date, the employer will no longer accept job applications.

The correct answer is c. After that date, the employer will no longer accept job applications.

To understand the meaning behind a job closing date, it is important to recognize the recruitment process. Usually, employers set a deadline or closing date for job applications to ensure that they have sufficient time to review the received applications. Once the deadline is reached, the employer will typically stop accepting new applications and focus on the candidates already in the pipeline. The purpose of a closing date is to create a clear timeline for the recruitment process and to manage the number of applications received.

In this case, if the job posting states that the job will close on 08/15/2017, it means that the employer will stop accepting applications after that date. Therefore, if you are interested in applying for the position, it is crucial to submit your application before the specified closing date.