Two numbers have a difference of 2.38

They both add to six
One number is 3 times bigger than the other what could the two numbers be ?


see related questions below

I'm not sure what is the answer??



To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the two numbers. Let's call the first number x and the second number y.

According to the problem, two numbers have a difference of 2.38. This means that x - y = 2.38.

The problem also states that the two numbers add up to six. So, we have another equation, x + y = 6.

Furthermore, the problem mentions that one number is 3 times bigger than the other. This can be written as x = 3y.

Now, we have a system of three equations:

1) x - y = 2.38
2) x + y = 6
3) x = 3y

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

First, let's solve equation 3 for x:
x = 3y

Then, substitute x in equations 1 and 2 with the value of 3y:
(3y) - y = 2.38 (equation 1)
(3y) + y = 6 (equation 2)

Simplifying equation 1:
2y = 2.38
y = 2.38/2
y = 1.19

Substituting y = 1.19 back into equation 3 to solve for x:
x = 3(1.19)
x = 3.57

Therefore, the two numbers could be 3.57 and 1.19.