Four times a number plus five times the number is the same as ten more

then eight times the number. Find the number.

4n + 5n = 8n + 10

9n - 8n = 10

n = 10

To solve this problem, we'll use algebraic expressions. Let's assume the number is represented by the variable "x".

According to the problem statement, "Four times a number plus five times the number is the same as ten more than eight times the number". This can be written as an equation:

4x + 5x = 8x + 10

To solve the equation, we'll combine like terms:

9x = 8x + 10

Next, we'll isolate the variable "x" by subtracting 8x from both sides of the equation:

9x - 8x = 8x - 8x + 10
x = 10

Therefore, the number is 10.