A writer must include research to ensure the reader understands his point.

Oh, really?

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That's not poor grammar. It's an example of erroneous content.

Research is indeed an essential aspect of effective writing. By including research, a writer can provide supporting evidence, facts, and examples to bolster their arguments or claims. This not only lends credibility to their work but also helps in clarifying the writer's point of view to the reader.

To ensure the reader understands their point through research, a writer should follow these steps:

1. Determine the purpose: Firstly, the writer needs to identify the main message they want to convey. Understanding the purpose of their writing will help in selecting relevant research that aligns with their point.

2. Identify the key points: Next, the writer should outline the key points or arguments they want to make. It is essential to break down the main message into smaller, manageable concepts. This will help in finding supporting research for each specific point.

3. Conduct thorough research: Once the key points are defined, it is time to conduct research. This involves gathering information from reliable sources such as books, academic journals, reputable websites, and expert opinions. It is crucial to evaluate the credibility of the information sources and ensure they are reputable.

4. Analyze and synthesize the findings: After collecting the research material, the writer needs to analyze and synthesize the information. This means critically assessing the relevance, accuracy, and strength of each piece of research. It is important to select the most compelling evidence that directly supports the writer's point.

5. Integrate the research into the writing: The writer should seamlessly integrate the research into their writing. This can be done by properly citing the sources, using direct quotations, paraphrasing, or summarizing the findings. It is crucial to maintain the flow of the writing and ensure that the research enhances and clarifies the writer's point rather than overshadowing it.

6. Explain and interpret the research: While incorporating research, a writer must also provide explanations and interpretations. Merely including research without any context or analysis may confuse the reader. By explaining the significance of the research and connecting it to the overall argument, the writer can ensure the reader understands the intended point.

7. Review and revise: Finally, it is essential for the writer to review and revise their work. This includes checking the accuracy of citations, ensuring the research is effectively used, and evaluating the clarity of the point to the reader. By revisiting and refining the writing, the writer can make sure that their point is evident and well-supported by research.

By following these steps, a writer can effectively include research to ensure that their readers understand their point.