1/4% as a fraction

1/4% - 0.25% = 0.0025 = 25/10,000

ms sue thanks how about 16 2/3%

16 2/3% does NOT equal 1/4%

Do you really mean 1/4%??

sorry i forgot to change into my real name i kept it as my friends as she was using it as well but i wrote that above

i mean 16 2/3% as a fraction

16 2/3% = 0.1667 = 16667/10,000

16 2/3% = 0.1667 = 16667/100,000

16 2/3%

= 50/300
= 1/6

check: on my calculator 1/6 = .166666... or 16 2/3%

To convert a percentage to a fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the percentage by 100 to express it as a decimal.
In this case, 1/4% is equal to 1/4 ÷ 100 = 0.0025.

Step 2: Simplify the decimal fraction, if necessary.
The decimal fraction 0.0025 can be simplified by removing the trailing zeros. So, 0.0025 simplifies to 25/10000.

Step 3: Further simplify the fraction, if possible.
To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 25 and 10000 is 25. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by 25, we get 1/400.

Therefore, 1/4% as a fraction is equal to 1/400.