1 The golden age of culture came during which empire?


2. This raja conquered weak kingdoms left by alexander the great ?
a) Chandragupta Maurya***

B) Asoka

C) Hari Krishna

D) Vishnu

3. In this section of the Mahabharata, Krisha talks about doing one's duty.



''Bhagavad Gita"***

4 Which of these rights did Indian women have? inheritance,Education**,divorce, or to selcet a husband

5. even today many indian marriages are
A long distance
B short
c arranged**
d invalid

6 what bordered the gupta empire to the north
A granges river
B India
C Himalaya**
D Bay of Bengal

7. the hindu kush are near which river a. ganges b. nile c. Arabian D Indus Idk

8.five hundred years after the mauryan dynasty failed ____ dynasty reunited much of northern india?

A kalidasa
B Asoka
C Gumpta**
D Hindu

9. the mauryan dynasty set up a _____ government which was controlled by the capital city

A city-state
B well-organized**
C theocratic
D democratic

10 How would prolonged winter monsoons influence farmers in India?

1. ***dry winds reduce the amount of rainfall causing crops not to grow.***
2. dry winds allow farmers to plant seeds earlier and the growing season to extend.
3. wet winds bring too much rainfall causing the seeds to drown in excess water.
4. wet winds bring the necessary rainfall from crops to grow and yield large harvests.

Hi just wanted you guys cheak my quiz thx.


1 is c

The answers are C A D B C C D C B A

:) your welcome

lol sorry it's really late

Sure! I'll go through your quiz and provide explanations for each question.

1. The golden age of culture came during which empire?
To find the answer, you need to know about the golden age of culture and which empire it corresponds to. You can search for information on each empire individually to see which one matches the characteristics of a golden age of culture. In this case, the correct answer is C. Gupta.

2. This raja conquered weak kingdoms left by Alexander the Great.
To find the answer, you need to know the name of the raja who conquered the weak kingdoms left by Alexander the Great. You can search for information on each option to see which one is associated with this conquest. The correct answer is A. Chandragupta Maurya.

3. In this section of the Mahabharata, Krishna talks about doing one's duty.
To find the answer, you need to know which section of the Mahabharata contains Krishna's teachings on doing one's duty. You can search for the different sections of the Mahabharata and their contents to find the correct one. The correct answer is "Bhagavad Gita."

4. Which of these rights did Indian women have? inheritance, Education, divorce, or to select a husband.
To find the answer, you need to know which rights Indian women had. You can search for information on women's rights in ancient India to see which options were available to them. The correct answer is Education.

5. Even today, many Indian marriages are.
To find the answer, you need to understand the current trends in Indian marriages. You can search for information on Indian marriage customs to see which option matches the common practice. The correct answer is arranged.

6. What bordered the Gupta Empire to the north?
To find the answer, you need to know the geographical border of the Gupta Empire. You can search for information on the geographical boundaries of the Gupta Empire to find the correct option. The correct answer is Himalaya.

7. The Hindu Kush is near which river?
To find the answer, you need to know the location of the Hindu Kush mountain range. You can search for information on the Hindu Kush and its proximity to different rivers to find the correct option. The correct answer is Indus.

8. Five hundred years after the Mauryan dynasty failed, which dynasty reunited much of northern India?
To find the answer, you need to know which dynasty succeeded the Mauryan dynasty and reunified northern India. You can search for information on the dynasties that followed the Mauryan dynasty to find the correct option. The correct answer is Gupta.

9. The Mauryan dynasty set up a __ government, which was controlled by the capital city.
To find the answer, you need to know the type of government established by the Mauryan dynasty. You can search for information on the government structure of the Mauryan dynasty to find the correct option. The correct answer is well-organized.

10. How would prolonged winter monsoons influence farmers in India?
To find the answer, you need to understand the effects of prolonged winter monsoons on farming in India. You can search for information on the impact of winter monsoons on agriculture in India to find the correct option. The correct answer is "dry winds reduce the amount of rainfall causing crops not to grow."

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.