When we make a speech, which expressions do we have to use?

1. First,
In short,

2. Firstly,
To sum up,

When making a speech, it is important to organize your ideas and guide your listeners through your points. Expressions like "first," "second," "third," "fourth," "last," and "in short" can be helpful in this process. These expressions provide a clear structure to your speech and make it easier for your audience to follow along.

Additionally, you can also use expressions like "firstly," "secondly," "thirdly," "fourthly," "lastly," and "to sum up." These expressions are slightly more formal and can add a sense of professionalism and clarity to your speech. They also signal to your audience that you are about to present a new point or summarize your main ideas.

Remember that the choice between using "first," "second," etc., or "firstly," "secondly," etc., is largely a matter of personal preference and the specific context of your speech. However, consistency is key, so it is important to choose one set of expressions and stick with it throughout your speech.