I am reposting my question. Thank you Bob for explaining how to write it..

In ASCII format:

(8x^2y^0z^6)2^ + 3x^2z^12 + 5y^0z^12

64x4^y2^z8^ + 3x2^ + z12^ + 5y0^z12^

64x6^ + 5y2^ + z32^

Please let me know if these makes sense now. Thank you

8x^2y^0z^6)2^ + 3x^2z^12 + 5y^0z^12

64x4^y2^z8^ + 3x2^ + z12^ + 5y0^z12^ No. the first term y will be at the zero power (O x 2=0) Z will be to the 12th power (6x2=12)
do that, then gather terms.