What did John Brown plan to do with the guns he seized at Harper's Ferry?

a. he planned to sell them to make money to support antislavery candidates for Congress.
b. he planned to give them to slaves to start slave rebellions.
c. He planned to bring them to kansas to fight proslavery settlers.
d. He planned to destroy them so they could not be used.


B. He planned to give them to slaves to start slave rebellions.

D. They refused to accept the decision and increase the fight against slavery.

B. It allowed slaves to be taken into any territory.

A. John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry.


Thanks Jack! Jack is correct I got 100%


Unit 1 Changing Times Lesson 6 Changing Political Parties 2022

1. What did John Brown plan to do with the guns he seized at Harper's Ferry?

Answer: He planned to give them to slaves to start slave rebellions. ✔

2. How did Northerners react to the Dred Scott decision?

Answer: They refused to accept the decision and increase the fight against slavery. ✔

3. Why did South Carolinians support the concept of popular sovereignty?

Answer: It allowed slavery to potentially expand above the line of the Missouri Compromise. ✔

4. Which of the following increased South Carolina's desire to secede from the Union?

Answer: John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. ✔

They just changed the answer for question 3 around a little bit yall

January 2023 answers

1.) He planned to give them to slaves to start slave rebellions.
2.) They refused to accept the decision and increased the fight against slavery.
3.) It allowed for slavery to potentially expand above the line of the Missouri compromise.
4.) John brown's raid on harpers ferry

it's right, just took it

is jacks answers correct?

If you are in connexus then Jacks answers are correct, I used them to check my answers and I got a 4/4

jack is correct tysm

cool somethingis right!

Jack is right!