Most of the following sentences lack at least one period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, semicolon, or colon. Add the correct punctuation where it is needed. I have added punctuation in second set of sentences.

1. African American author Maya Angelou read from her latest book.

2. Our dog a cocker spaniel doesn't do any tricks but our cat a Siamese fetches

3. At the end of the tennis match both players craved a tall refreshing cold drink

4. Wait for me Mai

5. My oldest brother Samuel is studying political science at Howard University in Washington D C

6. In our gym class representatives from the Red Cross explained a number of basic first-aid procedures and treatments.

1. African American author, Maya Angelou, read from her latest book.

2. Our dog, a cocker spaniel, doesn't do any tricks, but our cat a Siamese fetches.

3. At the end of the tennis match, both players craved a tall, refreshing cold drink.

4. Wait for me Mai.

5. My oldest brother,Samuel, is studying political science at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

6. In our gym class, representatives from the Red Cross explained a number of basic first-aid procedures and treatments.

1. correct

2. almost correct

3. almost correct

4. incorrect

5. If you put a space after "brother," this will be correct.

6. correct