Convert a 3ft. X 8ft. Piece of plywood to a 2ft. X 12ft. Price with one cut

To convert a 3ft. x 8ft. piece of plywood to a 2ft. x 12ft. piece with just one cut, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the 3ft. x 8ft. plywood piece.
2. Identify which side of the plywood you want to cut.
3. Measure 2ft. from one end of the plywood and make a mark.
4. Use a straight edge or a carpenter's square to draw a straight line across the plywood from the mark you made.
5. Double-check your measurements and make sure the line is straight and accurate.
6. Using a circular saw or a jigsaw, carefully cut along the drawn line. Be sure to follow proper safety precautions when using power tools.
7. Once the cut is complete, you will have a 2ft. x 8ft. piece and a 1ft. x 8ft. piece.
8. Take the 1ft. x 8ft. piece and place it on one end of the 2ft. x 8ft. piece to create a 2ft. x 12ft. piece.
9. Align the edges of the pieces, ensuring they are flush.
10. Use wood glue or screws to secure the two pieces together, making sure they are firmly connected.

After following these steps, you will have successfully converted the 3ft. x 8ft. plywood piece into a 2ft. x 12ft. piece with just one cut.