A map has a scale of 5 cm: 12km. If two cities are 17 cm apart on the map, what is the actual distance between the cities, to the nearest tenth of the kilometer?

My answer was 70.8 km


How did you get that answer?

I guess

Guessing didn't work.

Try setting up a proportion.

Or find out how many km that 1 cm represents.

To solve this problem, we need to use the scale of the map, which is given as 5 cm: 12 km. This means that every 5 cm on the map represents 12 km in actual distance.

First, we need to find out how many 5 cm intervals fit into the 17 cm distance between the two cities on the map. We can do this by dividing 17 cm by 5cm:

17 cm / 5 cm = 3.4

This means that there are approximately 3.4 intervals of 5 cm between the two cities on the map.

Next, we need to find the actual distance between the cities. Since 5 cm on the map represents 12 km in actual distance, we can multiply the number of intervals (3.4) by 12 km:

3.4 intervals * 12 km/interval = 40.8 km

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is approximately 40.8 km, rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.

So, your answer of 70.8 km is not correct. The correct answer is approximately 40.8 km.