What equilateral shape has opposite sides but no right angle

rhombus or parallelogram.

Only the rhombus,

equilateral means equal,
a parallelogram does not necessarily have 4 equal sides

Or, any regular n-gon with more than 4 sides and n an even number.

Thanks Steve,

e.g. a regular hexagon or octogon , etc

An equilateral shape that has opposite sides but no right angle is a rhombus.

To understand why a rhombus fits this description, let's first look at some key properties of a rhombus:

1. All sides of a rhombus are equal in length.
2. Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.
3. The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles.

Now, let's consider the given conditions:
- Opposite sides: In a rhombus, opposite sides are parallel to each other.
- No right angle: This means that there are no angles measuring exactly 90 degrees.

From these conditions, we can see that a rhombus satisfies both requirements: the opposite sides of a rhombus are equal in length (equilateral) and the angles are not right angles.

So, to summarize, a rhombus is an equilateral shape that has opposite sides but no right angle.