What is the formula to find the scale factor of the dilation?


sorry, i have tried that and was unable to find it.

sorry, do not know

find the distance between two points on the original figure, and the same points on the dilated figure

the ratio of the distances is the scale factor

To find the scale factor of a dilation, you need to divide the length of the corresponding sides or segments of the dilated figure by the corresponding sides or segments of the original figure. The formula to calculate the scale factor is:

Scale Factor = Length of Corresponding Side in Dilated Figure / Length of Corresponding Side in Original Figure

For example, let's say you have a rectangle and its corresponding dilated rectangle. If the length of one side of the dilated rectangle is 8 units, and the length of the corresponding side of the original rectangle is 4 units, the scale factor would be:

Scale Factor = 8 units / 4 units = 2

Therefore, the scale factor of the dilation is 2, indicating that the dilated figure is twice as large as the original figure in all dimensions.