If 4.5 inches on a map convers 270 miles, what is the scale of inches to miles?

45 inches/2700 miles = .01666.....inch/mile

or 5 inches/300 miles

1 inch / 6 miles :)

Damon -- I think you overlooked the decimal point. It's 4.5 inches = 270 miles.

That is why I wrote 45 not 4.5 and 2700

To find the scale of inches to miles, you need to calculate how many miles are represented by one inch on the map.

In this case, the given information states that 4.5 inches on the map represent 270 miles.

So, to find the scale, you divide the total number of miles by the total number of inches:

Scale = Total miles / Total inches

In this case, it would be:

Scale = 270 miles / 4.5 inches

Now, you simply perform the division:

Scale = 60 miles/inch

Therefore, the scale of inches to miles is 60 miles/inch. This means that every inch on the map represents 60 miles in real life.

4.5/270 = 1/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Thanks so much

easier to factor top and bottom that way