What is one difference between popular beverages in Los Estados Unidos and those in the Spanish-speaking world?

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One difference between popular beverages in Los Estados Unidos and the Spanish-speaking world is the preference for certain types of drinks. In the United States, beverages like cola, lemon-lime sodas, and iced tea are widely consumed. These drinks are often carbonated and have a sweet taste. Additionally, coffee is extremely popular in the United States, and people often drink it with various flavors and additives.

On the other hand, in the Spanish-speaking world, non-carbonated beverages like fruit juices, tropical fruit drinks, and agua fresca (a refreshing water-based drink) are commonly enjoyed. These drinks tend to be less sweet compared to the carbonated beverages popular in the United States. Moreover, horchata (a sweet rice milk) and mate (a traditional herbal tea) are also popular in certain Spanish-speaking regions.

To get more specific information about the popular beverages in both Los Estados Unidos and the Spanish-speaking world, you can explore culinary publications, travel websites, or even consult local residents who have firsthand experience with these beverages. Additionally, you can also try visiting local grocery stores or restaurants that specialize in international cuisines to get a taste of the diverse beverages offered in both cultures.