if there are 24 students and 5 less girls than boys , how many girls are in the class. I don't think there is a solution to this.

I hope you had a typo.

G + 5 = B

B + G = 25

Substitute G+5 for B in the second equation and solve for G.

I think teacher made a typo because it cannot be solved as written, unless 14 1/2 boys and 9 1/2 girls which won't work.

One hermaphrodite? ;)

To determine the number of girls in the class, we can set up an equation using the given information:

Let's assume the number of girls in the class is represented by "g" and the number of boys is represented by "b".

According to the given information, there are 5 less girls than boys, so we can set up the equation:

g = b - 5

We also know that the total number of students is 24. Therefore, we can write another equation:

g + b = 24

Now we have two equations:

g = b - 5
g + b = 24

To solve this system of equations, we can substitute the value of "g" from the first equation into the second equation:

(b - 5) + b = 24

Simplifying this equation:

2b - 5 = 24
2b = 29
b = 29/2
b = 14.5

Since the number of students cannot be a decimal, this implies that there is no whole number solution for the number of boys in the class. Therefore, this problem does not have a solution in terms of whole numbers.