The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?

was established to regulate the stock market.
insured bank deposits up to $2,500.
ensured that Social Security payments would be made on time.***

Where did you get that idea?

if you are talking about the answer i might to put the *** to b or is that wrong to

Apparently you guessed, rather than reading your text or Googling it.

thanks i used what you gave and i used the second website.

The correct answer is: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) ensured bank deposits up to $2,500.

To gain confidence with this answer, let's break it down further:

The FDIC was established in 1933 by the Banking Act in response to the Great Depression. Its primary purpose was to restore stability and public confidence in the banking system. The FDIC achieved this by guaranteeing bank deposits and providing insurance coverage.

The FDIC's insurance coverage ensured that if a bank failed, depositors would not lose their money. The initial coverage limit was set at $2,500 per depositor, which was later adjusted as banking systems evolved and the economy changed.

By providing this insurance, the FDIC helped prevent bank runs and ensured that people felt secure in keeping their money in financial institutions. This, in turn, contributed to the overall stability of the banking system, which was crucial to economic recovery during the Great Depression and subsequent times of financial crisis.

The FDIC's role is distinct from regulating the stock market or managing Social Security payments. Regulating the stock market falls under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and ensuring Social Security payments is the responsibility of the Social Security Administration.