4. I think Bob will graduate a year earlier than _______. (1 point)

him !!!!

5. Certainly no one laughed as loud as _______. (1 point)

her !!!!

6. Jackie is much taller than ______. (1 point)

me !!!!

All correct. :)

I disagree, sorry.

Each of those pronouns needs to be in the subject case because of each comparison being made and the understood verb.

... earlier than he (will). [unclear who "he" is, though!]
... as loudly as she (laughed). ["loud" in the original sentence is incorrect ... should be "loudly"]
... taller than I (am).

To determine the correct answer for each question, we need to consider the proper pronoun usage in the sentence. Here's an explanation for each question:

4. The correct answer is "he."

To determine the appropriate pronoun, we need to identify the subject of the sentence. Here, the subject is Bob, so we need to choose the pronoun that refers to Bob. In this case, "he" is the correct pronoun.

5. The correct answer is "she."

Again, we need to identify the subject of the sentence, which is the person who laughed the loudest. In this case, the subject is a female, so we should use the pronoun "she."

6. The correct answer is "me."

This sentence is comparing Jackie's height with the speaker's height. Here, the speaker is referring to themselves, which requires the use of the pronoun "me."

Remember, when selecting pronouns, it is crucial to match them with the correct gender and case (subject or object) in order to ensure grammatical accuracy.