which characteristics of solid, a liquid, and a gas are exhibited by each of the following substances? how would you classify each substance? A. a bowl of pudding will be solid and B. a bucketful of sand wiil be solid

To determine the characteristics of solid, liquid, and gas exhibited by the substances mentioned, we need to understand the properties of each state of matter.

1. Solid:
- Definite shape: A solid has a fixed shape and volume.
- Particles arrangement: The particles in a solid are closely packed and arranged in a regular pattern.
- Particle movement: The particles in a solid vibrate in their fixed positions but do not move freely.

A. Bowl of Pudding:
- Definite shape: A bowl of pudding takes the shape of the container it is in, so it does not have a definite shape.
- Definite volume: However, it has a definite volume, as it fills up the entire bowl.
- Particles arrangement: The particles in the pudding are loosely packed and randomly distributed.
- Particle movement: The particles in the pudding can move but are not completely free-flowing.

Classification: Since the pudding conforms to the shape of the container but still has a definite volume, it can be classified as a liquid.

2. Solid (cont'd):
- Definite shape: A solid has a fixed shape and volume.
- Particles arrangement: The particles in a solid are closely packed and arranged in a regular pattern.
- Particle movement: The particles in a solid vibrate in their fixed positions but do not move freely.

B. Bucketful of Sand:
- Definite shape: A bucketful of sand maintains its own shape and does not conform to the shape of the container.
- Definite volume: It also has a definite volume as it occupies a specific amount of space in the bucket.
- Particles arrangement: The sand particles are closely packed but may not have a perfectly regular arrangement.
- Particle movement: The particles in the sand are mostly stationary, with minimal movement.

Classification: Based on these characteristics, a bucketful of sand can be classified as a solid since it has a fixed shape, definite volume, and the sand particles are relatively stationary.

In summary, a bowl of pudding would be classified as a liquid because it takes the shape of the container but has a definite volume. On the other hand, a bucketful of sand would be classified as a solid as it maintains its own shape and has a definite volume.