sketch f(x) such that f(x) is increasing on (-inf,-2) and f is decreasing on (-2,0), f(x) has point discontinuity at x=-2, f(x) has a horizontal asymptote of y=4, f(x) is an odd function.

To sketch a function that satisfies all of these conditions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the nature of the point discontinuity at x = -2.
Since the function has a point discontinuity at x = -2, there will be an open circle at that point on the graph. This means that the function will approach different values from the left and right sides of x = -2.

Step 2: Determine the behavior of the function on the intervals (-∞, -2) and (-2, 0).
In the interval (-∞, -2), the function is increasing, meaning that as x decreases, f(x) increases. To make the function odd, you can choose any curve that satisfies these conditions, such as a curve that starts below the horizontal asymptote (y = 4) and gradually increases towards x = -2.

In the interval (-2, 0), the function is decreasing, meaning that as x increases towards 0, f(x) decreases. Since f(x) is an odd function, you can choose the curve to mirror the shape of the curve on the interval (-∞, -2) with respect to the y-axis.

Step 3: Determine the horizontal asymptote.
The horizontal asymptote is given by y = 4. This means that as x approaches positive or negative infinity, the function f(x) will approach y = 4. This information can help guide the shape of the curve, ensuring that it gradually approaches the asymptote but never crosses it.

Step 4: Combine all the information to sketch the function.
Using the information from steps 1 to 3, you can draw the graph of the function. Start with a curve that gradually approaches x = -2 from below, then has an open circle at (-2, f(-2)). Mirror that curve across the y-axis to represent the interval (-2, 0), and ensure that both halves approach the horizontal asymptote y = 4 as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

Overall, the sketch should have an increasing trend on (-∞, -2), a decreasing trend on (-2, 0), an open circle at x = -2, and a horizontal asymptote y = 4. The shape of the curve can vary as long as it satisfies these conditions.