Application of Distributive Property

After finding the product, write the result along with how you applied the distributive property.


To apply the distributive property to the expression 7x68, we need to break down the expression using multiplication and addition.

The distributive property states that for any three real numbers a, b, and c, the operation of multiplying a number by the sum of two other numbers is the same as multiplying the number by each of the two other numbers and then adding the products.

In this case, we have 7 multiplied by 68. To apply the distributive property, we break down 68 as the sum of its digits, 60 and 8. Using the distributive property, we can rewrite the expression as:

7 * (60 + 8)

Now, we can multiply 7 by each of the two terms inside the parentheses:

7 * 60 + 7 * 8

Simplifying these calculations:

420 + 56

Adding these two terms together:


So, the result of multiplying 7x68 using the distributive property is 476.