Mention ten human right, and their limitation.

Sure! Here are ten basic human rights and their limitations:

1. Right to Life: Everyone has the right to life, but this can be limited in cases of self-defense or capital punishment in some countries.

2. Freedom of Speech: People have the right to express their opinions, but this can be limited for reasons such as hate speech or inciting violence.

3. Right to Privacy: Individuals have the right to privacy, but this can be limited in cases of national security or criminal investigations.

4. Freedom of Religion: People have the right to practice any religion, but this can be limited if religious practices are harmful or violate the rights of others.

5. Right to a Fair Trial: Everyone has the right to a fair trial, but limitations may exist in cases that threaten national security or involve classified information.

6. Right to Education: Individuals have the right to education, but limitations may arise due to lack of resources or cultural practices that restrict access.

7. Freedom of Assembly: People have the right to gather peacefully, but this can be limited if public safety is at risk or if the gathering infringes upon the rights of others.

8. Right to Equal Treatment: Everyone has the right to be treated equally, but limitations may arise in cases where affirmative action policies are implemented to address historical discrimination.

9. Right to Health: Individuals have the right to access healthcare, but limitations can exist due to resource constraints or prioritization of healthcare resources.

10. Right to Work: People have the right to work, but limitations may occur due to discrimination or restrictions on certain professions for reasons of public safety or qualification requirements.

It's important to note that these limitations can vary across countries and legal systems, as they are subject to interpretation and cultural norms.