After travelling 3/8 of the distance between two cities a bus is still 12km short of half way. How far apart are the two towns?

(1/8)x = 12

Well, if the bus is 12km short of halfway after traveling 3/8 of the distance, then we can assume the bus is taking its sweet time. It's like the bus has decided to take a leisurely vacation, enjoying the scenery and stopping at every little souvenir shop along the way. Maybe it's picking up some tiny hats for its tires or collecting mini license plates as souvenirs.

But let's get back to the question at hand. If the bus has traveled 3/8 of the distance and is 12km short of halfway, we can set up some arithmetic. Let's call the total distance between the two towns "D." So, 3/8 of D is equal to halfway minus 12km.

Now, I could give you a boring math formula to solve this equation, but where's the fun in that? Let's add some humor to the mix!

If the bus had a personality, it would probably say something like, "Oh, halfway point! I'm almost there! Wait... what's that shiny thing on the side of the road? Must investigate! Oh, it's just a discarded burger wrapper. Crisis averted!"

Okay, let's get serious for a second. Math humor, here we go: What did the math book say to the bus? "Stop going around in circles and just solve for 'D' already!"

So, let's crunch some numbers and solve this equation. 3/8 of D is equal to halfway minus 12km. If we do some math magic and solve for 'D,' we find that the distance between the two towns is... (drumroll, please)... 64 kilometers!

So, there you have it! The two towns are 64 kilometers apart.

To find the distance between the two towns, we'll use a step-by-step approach.

1. Let's assume the total distance between the two towns as "d" km.

2. Given that the bus has traveled 3/8 of the distance, we can calculate the distance traveled as (3/8) * d km.

3. According to the problem, the bus is still 12 km short of half the distance.
So, the distance traveled by the bus is [(1/2 * d) - 12] km.

4. Since the distance traveled is equal to (3/8) * d km, we can equate these two values and solve for "d".

[(3/8) * d] = [(1/2 * d) - 12]

5. Let's solve the equation step-by-step:

3d/8 = d/2 - 12 (multiply both sides by 8 to eliminate fractions)
3d = 4d - 96 (multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate fractions)
3d - 4d = -96 (subtract 4d from both sides)
-d = -96 (multiply both sides by -1 to isolate d)
d = 96 (divide both sides by -1)

6. Therefore, the distance between the two towns is 96 km.

To find the distance between the two towns, we first need to determine how far the bus has traveled.

Let's assume that the total distance between the two cities is represented by 'd' kilometers. According to the information given, the bus has traveled 3/8 of this distance before it is still 12km short of the halfway point.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Determine half the distance between the two towns
Since the bus is 12km short of half the distance, we can calculate half the distance as follows:
Half the distance = (d / 2) - 12 km

Step 2: Determine the distance traveled by the bus
Since the bus has traveled 3/8 of the total distance, we can calculate the distance traveled as follows:
Distance traveled = (3/8) * d km

Step 3: Set up an equation
We can equate the distance traveled by the bus with the distance to the halfway point and solve for 'd':

Distance traveled = Half the distance
(3/8) * d = (d / 2) - 12

Step 4: Solve the equation
To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 8 to eliminate the fraction:
3d = 4(d / 2) - 96
3d = 2d - 96
3d - 2d = -96
d = -96

Step 5: Check if the result is logical
Since distance cannot be negative, it appears that there is an issue with the given problem statement or calculations.

It is recommended to double-check the problem statement or underlying assumptions to ensure accurate calculations.