SO behind need help pronto withGraphing in the coordinate plane unit test lesson 12 unit 7 tryed my self my mom tryed it brother u name it to hard for 7th grader and a striaght student like me no asking to cheat ms. Sue or whoever need answer ill be so greatful i even prayed to God still working on my prayer

1. D

2. B
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. C
17. D
18. A

You can trust me, I swear these are the answer (Connexus Academy)

this for 7th grade?


For the rest look it up it should be easy I did it and these are all correct took it got the answers so have fun with your new grade score. Remember to read the date before you do it.

can somebody give me answers to unit 4 lesson 12 graphing in coordinate plane unit test?

im in connections academy

I'm so sorry for the delay, here are the answers.

1. (-4, 1) D
2. (8, 9) A
3. (8, -98) B
4. (the line on the graph is tilting downwards on the right) A
5. (-5, -49), (-2, -22), (3, 23) A
6. (-2, -15), (4, 21) C
7. (graph looks like an arrow pointing down) A
8. y = -6x - 5... answer: D
9. (x, y) -> (x + 4, y - 2) B
10. J' (15, 9) K' (7, 12) L' (9, 13) B
11. (x, y) -> (x + 3, y - 2)
12. (-2, -3) A
13. A (two trapezoids opposite from each other)
14. x: 2, 3, 5, 6
y: -4, -6, -10, -12
15. $9 per hour: B
16. "For each hour Cara works, she earns $10" C
17. (graph: about 4 spaces between "8"'ll understand when you get to it.) D
18. b = 5.5n: answer: B
19-22: You can find the answers to these on the internet individually.

Some tests may be different from others! I am not responsible for partial/incorrect answers, I am only giving the answers that are correct for MY test. Yours could be different, which is why I advise everyone to LEARN the material, not cheat.

Thank you all for your patience.

-C.A. Student.

if these are for connections academy, they're wrong.

1. B

2. A
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. D

19. a. Point A is located in the first quadrant
b. Point A translated is located in the fourth quadrant.
c. Point A reflected is located in the third quadrant.

20. A tessellation is a shape being repeated over and over again creating a pattern and leaving no holes or gaps in between them. This shape will not work because one arch will not fit into the other arch.

21. First you would have to reflect it across the x axis then rotate it 90 degrees and rotate it again on the y axis.

22. The ordered pair must lie in quadrants two or four because it needs to have opposite signs.

19-22 don't copy my answers because you will get caught, put it into your own words this is just what you can go off of. Hope this helps:) I promise these are the correct answers unless something changes.


Is this for connection. Academy?

what are the right ones for connections?

lesson 12 unit 4

yeah, I think they've changed the answers :(