Help! I can't understand or find out the answer, I tried but I keep getting lost!

George rides a cab to work 3 days a week. He pays $3.50 for the cab to pick him up. He pays an additional fee for each mile driven. In one week, George paid $35.25. If he rides 11 miles each day, how much does he pay per mile?

Please help me! I can't find the right equation to find my answer. Please help!

3.50 * 3 = $10.50

3 * 11 = 33 miles

10.5 * 33x = 35.25

33x = 24.75

x = $0.75 per mile

Don't worry, I'll guide you through solving this problem step by step.

To find out how much George pays per mile, we first need to figure out how much he pays for the additional fee. Let's break down the information we have:

1. George rides a cab 3 days a week.
2. He pays $3.50 for the cab to pick him up.
3. He pays a total of $35.25 in one week.
4. He rides 11 miles each day.

Now, let's establish the equation to solve the problem:

Let x represent the additional fee George pays per mile.

The total cost of the additional fee for one day would be 11 miles multiplied by x. Since he rides 3 days a week, the total cost of the additional fee for the week would be 3 times the cost for one day. So we have:

(11 miles/day) * (x $/mile) * 3 days/week = Total additional fee for the week

Now, we add the initial pick-up fee of $3.50 to the total additional fee for the week:

Total additional fee for the week + $3.50 = $35.25

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

1. Multiply the term on the left side of the equation:
(11 miles/day) * (x $/mile) * 3 days/week = 33x $/week

2. Add the initial pick-up fee to the total additional fee for the week:
33x $/week + $3.50 = $35.25

3. Subtract $3.50 from both sides to isolate the term with the variable:
33x $/week = $35.25 - $3.50 = $31.75

4. Divide by 33 to solve for x:
(33x $/week)/33 = $31.75/33
x $/week = $31.75/33
x $/week ≈ $0.9621

Therefore, George pays approximately $0.96 per mile.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of solving the problem. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!