This semester you read several memoirs, including pieces by Ernesto Galarza and Russell Baker. Return to “Barrio Boy” and “No Gumption” now. How are these two memoirs similar? How are they different? In what ways are the authors’ choices and depictions related to the subject matter of their stories?

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To determine the similarities and differences between Ernesto Galarza's memoir "Barrio Boy" and Russell Baker's memoir "No Gumption," we need to carefully analyze the texts. Here's how we can approach this:

1. Read and Understand the Memoirs: Begin by reading both memoirs, ensuring you have a good understanding of the main themes, events, and characters in each. Take note of important aspects such as the setting, narrative style, and the authors' perspectives.

2. Identify Similarities: Look for commonalities between the two memoirs. Consider factors like the authors' backgrounds, experiences, and the specific content they focus on. Do they address similar themes or issues? Are there any shared cultural or historical references?

3. Analyze Differences: Next, examine the distinctions in the two memoirs. Look for variations in writing style, tone, structure, and the events described. Identify any unique themes or perspectives explored by the authors. Pay attention to the characters' development and the portrayal of relationships or conflicts.

4. Consider Author's Choices: Evaluate how the authors' choices and depictions relate to the subject matter of their stories. Consider why Galarza and Baker might have made specific stylistic or narrative decisions. Think about how their choices enhance or support the central themes or messages they are conveying.

5. Compare and Contrast: Finally, compile your findings to identify the specific similarities and differences between the two memoirs. Group similar elements together and contrast the dissimilar aspects. Identify the main points of convergence and divergence in terms of content, perspectives, and writing styles.

By following these steps, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the similarities, differences, and the authors' choices and depictions in relation to the subject matter of their stories.