Which of these sentences has the most negative connotation?

1. This shirt was a bargain.
2. This shirt was a value.
3. This shirt was cheap.
4. This shirt was economical.

Don't answer a question WITH a question.

Again, I go to a question looking for the answer and all I get is a “What do you think”?

Sorry I was wrong! The real answer is C. I took the test and it said C. By the way mine had 17 questions so yours might be different.

Sorry If I'm to later. It is a I think


To determine which sentence has the most negative connotation, we need to understand the meanings of the words used in each sentence and consider their typical associations.

1. "This shirt was a bargain" - The word "bargain" generally implies a good deal or a purchase made at a lower price than expected. It does not have a negative connotation.

2. "This shirt was a value" - The word "value" suggests that the shirt is worth the price paid for it. It denotes a positive aspect of the purchase.

3. "This shirt was cheap" - The word "cheap" often has a negative connotation as it implies a low quality or poor value for the price paid.

4. "This shirt was economical" - The word "economical" suggests that the shirt is a good choice in terms of saving money or being cost-effective, but it doesn't inherently convey a negative connotation.

Based on the analysis of the words used, the sentence with the most negative connotation is "This shirt was cheap" (sentence 3). It implies that the shirt is of low quality or not worth its price.

What do you think? What do these words mean: bargain, value, cheap, economical. Does any one of them have a negative side to it? Look them up if you are confused:


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