(a) State a pair of chemicals from the list above that can be used to prepare zinc carbonate by precipitation reaction involving mixing 2 aqueous solutions together.

(b) Write a chemical equation for the chemical reaction in part (a).

(c) How would you obtain a pure, dry samples of lead(II) carbonate from the mixture of solution in part (a)?

(a) To prepare zinc carbonate by precipitation reaction, you need to find a pair of chemicals from the list above that will react to form zinc carbonate. In this case, zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) can be used for this purpose. When these two aqueous solutions are mixed together, a precipitation reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of zinc carbonate.

(b) The chemical equation for the reaction between zinc sulfate and sodium carbonate can be written as follows:

ZnSO4(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → ZnCO3(s) + Na2SO4(aq)

In this equation, the aqueous zinc sulfate and sodium carbonate react to form zinc carbonate (a solid) and sodium sulfate (an aqueous solution).

(c) To obtain a pure, dry sample of lead(II) carbonate from the mixture of solutions, you can follow these steps:

1. Filter the mixture: Pour the mixture through a filter paper. The solid zinc carbonate will be retained on the filter paper, while the aqueous sodium sulfate will pass through.

2. Wash the solid: Rinse the solid zinc carbonate on the filter paper with distilled water to remove any remaining impurities.

3. Dry the solid: Transfer the wet solid from the filter paper to a crucible. Heat the crucible gently using a Bunsen burner to evaporate the remaining water. Continue heating until the sample is completely dry.

4. Cool and weigh the sample: Allow the crucible and the pure, dry sample of zinc carbonate to cool to room temperature. Weigh the crucible and the sample using an analytical balance to determine the mass of the pure zinc carbonate.

By following these steps, you can obtain a pure, dry sample of zinc carbonate from the mixture of solutions.