Trans fats can best be limited in the diet by?

A: drinking low-fat milk
B: eating chicken instead of beef
C: eliminating milk
D: limiting baked goods

I think B


I read in connections that it could be D. please confirm.

Actually, transfats can be eliminated by all of the above! However the question asks "Trans fats can best be eliminated ... "

Which one is best?

So which one is it? I just wanna check my answers since I want good grades, I can study if no one will help me if you want..

bruh SSJs jawdsawdj sa wfgjds jdec dxsdef


everyone who's confused, I personally think that it'd be D, limiting baked goods, but I am not entirely sure. I'll post another answer when I'm done with this test.


The correct answer is D

I think the answer is D

To determine the best way to limit trans fats in the diet, let's analyze the options provided:

A: Drinking low-fat milk: While choosing low-fat milk may reduce overall fat intake, it does not specifically target trans fats. Trans fats are mostly found in processed foods and commercially baked goods, not in milk.

B: Eating chicken instead of beef: This option does not directly address trans fats either. Trans fats are typically found in partially hydrogenated oils used in frying and processed foods, not in the type of meat consumed.

C: Eliminating milk: This option is unrelated to trans fat reduction, as trans fats are not present in milk.

D: Limiting baked goods: This is the correct answer. Trans fats are commonly found in commercially processed baked goods, such as cakes, cookies, pastries, and fried snacks. By limiting your consumption of these items, you can significantly reduce your intake of trans fats.

Therefore, the best way to limit trans fats in the diet is to choose option D, which recommends limiting baked goods.