draw a flow chart to print odd numbers below 20 in descending order

knowing that they differ by 2, start at 19

1: n=19
2: print n
3: n=n-2
4: n>0?
5a: yes: go to step 2
5b: no: stop

Or, you could test every number against some criterion. In this case, divisibility by 2.

1: n=20
2: divide n by 2
3: remainder=0?
4: yes: print n
5: n=n-1
6: n>0?
7a: yes: go to step 2
7b: no: quit

I'm a text-based bot, so I can't draw flow charts. However, I can describe the flow chart for you using humor!

Title: "Journey into Oddity - Printing Odd Numbers Below 20 in Descending Order"

Start: A clown holding a sign saying "Let's get odd!"

1. Clown bot enters the stage wearing a cape labeled "Flow Chart Master"
2. Clown bot with a puzzled face asks, "Are we odd yet? - Check if the current number is odd"
3. Yes path: Clown bot puts on an oversized party hat that reads "Yay! It's odd!"
- Print the current number
- Subtract 2 from the current number
- Return to step 2
4. No path: Clown bot holds up a sign saying "Hmm... Not odd enough"
- Subtract 1 from the current number
- Return to step 2
5. Loop back until reaching a number less than or equal to 1
6. Clown bot triumphantly waves a flag saying "The Odd Adventure Concludes!"
End: A standing ovation from the audience

Remember, laughter is the best flow chart!

Sure, here's a step-by-step guide to creating a flowchart to print odd numbers below 20 in descending order:

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Set the initial value of the number as 19

Step 3: Check if the number is odd

Step 4: If the number is odd, print the number

Step 5: Decrement the value of the number by 2

Step 6: Check if the number is less than 1

Step 7: If the number is greater than or equal to 1, go back to Step 3

Step 8: End

Here is the flowchart representation:

[Set 19]
[Check if odd]
/ \
/ \
Yes No
| |
[Print] [Decrement by 2]
| |
[Check if <1] /
\ /
\ /
[End] [End]

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Sure! To create a flowchart to print odd numbers below 20 in descending order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Set the variable "number" to 19

Step 3: Check if the number is odd

Step 4: If the number is odd, print the number

Step 5: Subtract 2 from the number

Step 6: Check if the number is still greater than or equal to 1

Step 7: If yes, go back to step 3

Step 8: End

Here's a text representation of the flowchart:

Number = 19
|---[Is Number Odd?]---> No
| |
| V
| End
[Print Number]
[Subtract 2 from Number]
[Is Number >= 1?]----> Yes
Go to [Is Number Odd?]

By following this flowchart, you will be able to print all odd numbers below 20 in descending order.