To what value does the sum 20+12+36/5 tend as n.I really don't have any idea.

you must be studying geometric sequences, so just note that this is the sum of the sequence with

a = 12
r = 3/5

Now just use your formula for the infinite sum:

s = a/(1-r)

sorry - a=20

! :-(

To find the value that the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5 approaches as n, we need to consider what happens to each term as n gets larger and larger.

The term 20 does not depend on n, so it remains constant regardless of the value of n.

The term 12 also does not depend on n, so it remains constant.

The term 36/5, on the other hand, does depend on n. As n gets larger and larger, the value of 36/5 will become relatively smaller and smaller compared to the constant terms. This is because the denominator of 5 remains the same, while the numerator of 36 does not increase as n increases.

Since the numerator does not increase as n increases, the value of 36/5 will approach zero as n gets larger. As a result, the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5 will approach the sum of the constant terms, which is 20 + 12 = 32, as n goes to infinity.

In conclusion, the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5 approaches the value 32 as n approaches infinity.

To find the value that the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5 tends to as n approaches infinity, we need to understand what happens to the terms of the sum as n becomes larger and larger.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, let's simplify the expression 36/5. This division results in 7.2.

2. Now, we can rewrite the sum as 20 + 12 + 7.2.

3. The sum of 20 + 12 equals 32.

4. Adding 7.2 to 32 gives us a final sum of 39.2.

Now, this value does not change as n approaches infinity since there is no variable n involved in the given expression. So, the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5, or 39.2, does not depend on the value of n.

In summary, the value of the sum 20 + 12 + 36/5 as n approaches infinity is 39.2.