Pick three themes from Lord of the Flies and write a PEE paragraph about each.

I have chosen savagery, youth and power/order as my themes.
I know to write stuff about the conch and the chief for power/order but I don't know hat else to write for the rest.

The PEE format makes it clear what you need to do. You first need to state your point.


Ok, what sort of point could I make, I have some examples but no points.

Savagery is one of the themes in Lord of the Flies.

That is an example of a point.

To explore the themes of savagery, youth, and power/order in Lord of the Flies, let's start by examining specific examples and moments in the novel.

Savagery is a prevalent theme throughout the story, reflecting the boys' descent into their primal instincts. To analyze this theme, consider the pivotal scene in which Simon encounters the Lord of the Flies—a pig's head on a stick. This macabre figure symbolizes the evil within each person, as it represents the boys' collective loss of civilization and descent into savagery. Furthermore, the hunters' transformation from innocent schoolboys to bloodthirsty hunters showcases the growing presence of savagery on the island. Showcasing these moments of darkness and the loss of control/power can help reinforce the theme of savagery in your analysis.

For the theme of youth, examine the boys' actions and attitudes. Their lack of adult supervision on the uninhabited island allows their childlike tendencies and immaturity to become more pronounced. As you discuss this theme, consider the incident involving the littluns' fear of the "beastie." This fear amplifies their vulnerability and innocence, highlighting the contrast between their youthful naivety and the brutal reality they face. Additionally, the absence of parental guidance enhances the impact of their actions and decisions, as they struggle to comprehend the weight of their choices. Highlighting these instances of innocence and the challenges they face will strengthen your analysis of the theme of youth.

Regarding power/order, you mentioned the conch and the chief as examples, both of which effectively illustrate this theme. When writing your PEE paragraph, you can emphasize how the conch represents democratic power and order on the island. It is a symbol of civilization, as only the person holding the conch has the right to speak during the organized meetings. Additionally, the chief's position initially represents authority and leadership. However, as the story progresses, the struggle for power within the group becomes evident, leading to a breakdown in order and the rise of tyranny. Exploring these developments will enable you to delve deeper into the theme of power/order.

Remember to introduce each theme explicitly and back up your points with specific examples from the novel. By analyzing the moments that highlight savagery, youth, and power/order, your PEE paragraphs will provide a comprehensive understanding of these themes in Lord of the Flies.