The Greek alpahbet was based on which of thses alphabets?

1. Egyptian
2. Phoenician
3. Mesopotamian
4. Syrian

2. Phoenician



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To find the answer to your question, you can begin by analyzing the characteristics of the Greek alphabet and comparing them with the four options provided: Egyptian, Phoenician, Mesopotamian, and Syrian.

1. Egyptian: The ancient Egyptian writing system was hieroglyphic and not alphabetic, making it unlikely to have directly influenced the Greek alphabet.

2. Phoenician: The Phoenician alphabet is the most likely influence on the Greek alphabet. The Phoenicians were known for their extensive trade networks and were early adopters of an alphabetic writing system. The Greek alphabet shares several similarities with the Phoenician alphabet, including the order of letters and some letter shapes.

3. Mesopotamian: The Mesopotamian writing system, known as cuneiform, was also not alphabetic. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Greek alphabet was based on the Mesopotamian writing system.

4. Syrian: While Syria and the Phoenician region are adjacent, the phrase "Syrian alphabet" is not commonly used to refer to any specific writing system. The Phoenician alphabet is generally recognized as the main influence on the Greek alphabet.

Considering the options provided, option 2, the Phoenician alphabet, is the most accurate answer. The Greek alphabet was primarily based on the Phoenician alphabet.