Depletion of what has been halted by a ban on the manufacturing of what

ozone layer, chlorofluorocarbons

To answer your question, we need to break it down into two parts.

1. What has been depleted?
2. What has been banned?

Let's start with the first part.

1. Depletion refers to the process of reducing or using up a resource faster than it can be replenished. It can be related to various resources such as natural resources, energy sources, or even specific substances.

Now, moving on to the second part.

2. A ban on manufacturing refers to a prohibition or restriction imposed by authorities on the production of a particular product or substance. This ban is usually implemented for various reasons, such as health concerns, environmental protection, or safety measures.

Based on the given information in the question, we can assume that the ban on manufacturing has halted the depletion of something. However, without more context or specific details, we cannot determine the exact resource or substance being referred to in this case.

To find out what has been depleted by a ban on manufacturing, more information about the context or specific ban is needed. It could be related to the ban on manufacturing certain chemicals, plastic products, or any other resource that was being depleted at an unsustainable rate.