A clock is set right at 10AM.The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 3PM the following day ?


I don't no

To solve this problem, we need to find the difference between the actual time and the time indicated by the clock.

The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours, which means it gains (10/24) minutes per hour.

From 10 AM to 3 PM the following day, there are 29 hours in total.

So, in 29 hours, the clock will have gained (29 * (10/24)) minutes.

Now, let's calculate the true time.

Start with 10 AM and add the gained minutes:

10:00 AM + (29 * (10/24)) minutes = 10:00 AM + (290/24) minutes

To convert minutes to hours, divide by 60:

10:00 AM + ((290/24) / 60) hours = 10:00 AM + (290/1440) hours

Simplify the fraction:

10:00 AM + (29/144) hours

Convert hours back to minutes:

10:00 AM + (29/144) * 60 minutes = 10:00 AM + (29/2) minutes

Add the minutes to the hours:

10:00 AM + 14 minutes + 30 seconds (since 29/2 minutes = 14 minutes and 30 seconds)

Therefore, the true time when the clock indicates 3PM the following day is 10:14:30 AM.