Regarding peripheral countries or regions, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. they are all dependent on core countries for capital.
B. the term peripheral is not necessarily synonymous with poverty.
C. most of the impoverished countries are in Africa.
D. there is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower
wages in order to compete with all other nations.

An: D

I think I might have picked C because some of them are in South America and Asia and the Middle East.

To determine which statement is false, we need to analyze each option and consider the information provided.

Option A: "They are all dependent on core countries for capital."
To determine if this statement is true or false, we need to understand what peripheral countries or regions are. Peripheral countries or regions are generally considered to be economically less developed and have lower levels of industrialization compared to core countries. They often rely on core countries for capital, investments, and technology. Therefore, option A is likely to be true based on this understanding.

Option B: "The term peripheral is not necessarily synonymous with poverty."
The statement suggests that being peripheral does not always mean being poor. This is indeed true. While many peripheral countries may experience higher poverty rates due to their economic situations, being peripheral does not guarantee poverty. There can be variations in economic development, income levels, and poverty rates within peripheral regions. Therefore, option B is likely to be true based on this understanding.

Option C: "Most of the impoverished countries are in Africa."
This statement indicates that Africa is home to most impoverished countries. Although Africa has some countries that face significant challenges in terms of poverty and development, it is not accurate to say that most impoverished countries are in Africa. Poverty is a global issue, and there are impoverished countries located in various regions around the world, not just limited to Africa. Therefore, option C is likely to be false based on this understanding.

Option D: "There is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations."
This statement suggests that peripheral states engage in a downward spiral where they continuously lower wages to compete with all other nations. This concept is known as a race to the bottom, where countries try to attract foreign investment by lowering labor costs. While this practice occurs in some cases, it is not universally true for all peripheral states. Some countries may pursue other strategies for economic development and compete through different means. Therefore, option D is likely to be true based on this understanding.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is false is Option C: "Most of the impoverished countries are in Africa."

The statement that is NOT true is D. "There is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations."