Why did the Portuguese think they could find an easier way to reach Asia?

A. They had alliances with European nations to send out expeditions.
B. They had a large county and a long tradition of asian exploration.
C. They had a large fleet and had defeated spain in recent sea battles.
D. They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology.

5. How did balboa's discovery affect European exploration?
A. It allowed explorers to form alliance with native american groups in the Caribbean.
B. It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the pacific and the east indies.
C. It discouraged explorers from searching for a northwest passage to the east indies.
D. It challenged explorers to find a shorter route past the cape of good hope to India.

6. Which European nation first established a trading empire in the Indian ocean?
A. Britain
B. Italy
C. Portugal
D. Spain
7. Which adjective best describes Ming China's position towards European trade?
A. Diplomatic
B. Equivalent
C. Inviting
D. Restrictive

I think 4 is A, 5 is b, 6 is c, and 7 is b.

4 is A, no

5 is b, yes
6 is c, yes
and 7 is b. no

give me mwa mwa milky

The correct answers are:

4. D. They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology.

5. B. It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the Pacific and the East Indies.

6. C. Portugal

7. D. Restrictive

To answer these questions, we can look at historical facts and analyze the options provided.

1. Why did the Portuguese think they could find an easier way to reach Asia?
The correct answer is D. They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology.
Explanation: The Portuguese believed they could find an easier way to reach Asia because they had advanced navigational technology, particularly the development of the caravel ship and the astrolabe, that allowed them to navigate more accurately and explore unknown waters. Additionally, they had expert knowledge of wind patterns and ocean currents which helped them in their exploration.

2. How did Balboa's discovery affect European exploration?
The correct answer is B. It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the Pacific and the East Indies.
Explanation: Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513, after crossing the Isthmus of Panama, inspired European explorers to find a direct sea route to the Pacific Ocean and the lucrative trade routes of the East Indies. This discovery opened up new possibilities for trade and exploration, further motivating European nations to seek alternative routes to Asia.

3. Which European nation first established a trading empire in the Indian Ocean?
The correct answer is C. Portugal.
Explanation: Portugal was the first European nation to establish a trading empire in the Indian Ocean. Led by explorers like Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese established fortified trading posts and controlled key strategic points along the coast of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Indian Ocean. Their goal was to monopolize the spice trade and gain access to valuable goods from Asia.

4. Which adjective best describes Ming China's position towards European trade?
The correct answer is D. Restrictive.
Explanation: Ming China adopted a restrictive policy towards European trade during the 16th century. They imposed strict regulations on foreign merchants, limited trade to designated ports, and demanded tribute from foreign nations. The Chinese viewed themselves as self-sufficient and saw little value in European goods, leading to a limited and tightly controlled trade relationship with European powers.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
1. D - They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology.
2. B - It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the Pacific and the East Indies.
3. C - Portugal.
4. D - Restrictive.