what was the colonial empire of Spain, France and England's political control like? I cant find this i my book and thought i could before and I googled it but could not find what i needed could some one help with this?

I think you can start here to explore the topic. The Spanish, French, and English (as well as the Dutch and Portuguese) all were somewhat different in how they exercised control over local affairs. No one article or paper is going to address all of them at once. To find more than what came up on my Bing search, type in other questions or keywords as needed until you find all you need.


That is a link to an awesome song how is that supposed to help me

It looks as though Reed posted the wrong link.

I'll check it out.


OOPS. That IS the wrong link. I'll repost when I get the right one back again.

the Wi-Fi here is dodgy at best. Let's see if this works:


THAT'S what I wanted to you to see. :)

Certainly, I can help you with that! The colonial empires of Spain, France, and England had different forms of political control, referred to as colonial administration. Here's how you can gather information on each country's colonial political control:

1. Spain:
Spain's colonial empire was one of the largest, and it primarily focused on the Americas. To understand Spain's political control, you can refer to reliable history books that cover the period of Spanish colonialism, specifically between the 15th and 19th centuries. Look for books that provide information on the Spanish conquistadors, the encomienda system, and the Council of the Indies, which oversaw colonial governance. By using library catalogs or online bookstores, you can search for titles such as "Spain's Empire in the New World" or "Spanish Colonial Administration."

2. France:
France's colonial empire covered territories in Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean, and parts of Southeast Asia. To explore France's political control, start by searching for books that discuss French colonization and empire-building efforts. Look for titles like "France and its Empire: From Colonialism to Decolonization" or "The French Colonial Experience." Additionally, you can search for scholarly articles or encyclopedias like Encyclopedia Britannica or JSTOR, which provide detailed information on French colonial administration and governance.

3. England:
England's colonial empire spanned various parts of the world, including North America, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Indian subcontinent. To understand England's political control, search for books that focus on British imperialism and colonialism. Look for titles like "The British Empire: Sunrise to Sunset" or "The Colonial Wars of the British Empire." Furthermore, online resources such as official government websites, academic databases, and reputable historical archives can provide detailed information on British colonial administration.

Remember, it's essential to rely on reputable sources such as books authored by renowned historians, academic journals, and official historical records. These sources provide detailed insights into the political control and administration of each colonial empire.