sharon's onions cost $2.75/200g and Arnold's Onions cost $3.00/1/4kg

a) Which of the vendors is selling onions more expensive/

b) How much would 1kg of onions cost?

2.75 /200 = $ 0.014 per gram

3/250 = $0.04 per gram



To compare the prices of the onions from Sharon and Arnold, we need to convert the units of measurement to the same unit.

a) To determine which vendor is selling onions more expensively, we can convert the cost of onions to the same unit and compare the prices.

Sharon's onions: $2.75 per 200g

To convert 200g to kg, we divide by 1000:
200g ÷ 1000 = 0.2kg

So, Sharon's onions cost $2.75 for 0.2kg.

Arnold's onions: $3.00 per 1/4kg

To convert 1/4kg to kg, we multiply by 4:
1/4kg × 4 = 1kg

So, Arnold's onions cost $3.00 for 1kg.

Comparing the prices, we can see that Arnold's onions cost more, as $3.00 is higher than $2.75.

Therefore, Arnold is selling onions at a higher price compared to Sharon.

b) To calculate how much 1kg of onions would cost:

Since Sharon's onions cost $2.75 for 0.2kg, we can set up a proportion to find the cost of 1kg:

$2.75 / 0.2kg = x / 1kg

Cross-multiplying, we get:

$2.75 × 1kg = 0.2kg × x

$2.75 = 0.2x

Dividing both sides by 0.2, we get:

x = $2.75 ÷ 0.2

x = $13.75

So, 1kg of Sharon's onions would cost $13.75.

On the other hand, we already know that Arnold sells onions at $3.00 per 1kg. So, 1kg of Arnold's onions costs $3.00.

Therefore, 1kg of onions would cost $13.75 from Sharon and $3.00 from Arnold.