Ryan burned 315 calories in 30 minutes . If ryan works out for 1.5 hours , how many calories can he expect to burn?

315/0.5 = x/1.5

Cross multiply and solve for x.

1.5 hour = 90 minutes.

90 (time exercising) / 30 (time per session) = 3 (number of sessions)

315 (calories burns a session) * 3 (number of sessions) = 945 calories burned

To find out how many calories Ryan can expect to burn in 1.5 hours, we can calculate his calorie burn rate per minute and then multiply it by the total number of minutes in 1.5 hours.

Ryan burned 315 calories in 30 minutes, so to find his calorie burn rate per minute, we can divide the total calories burned by the total minutes:

Calorie burn rate per minute = Calories burned / Time in minutes
Calorie burn rate per minute = 315 calories / 30 minutes

Calorie burn rate per minute = 10.5 calories/minute

Now, to find out how many calories Ryan can expect to burn in 1.5 hours (which is 90 minutes), we multiply the calorie burn rate per minute by the total minutes:

Calories burned in 1.5 hours = Calorie burn rate per minute * Total minutes
Calories burned in 1.5 hours = 10.5 calories/minute * 90 minutes

Calories burned in 1.5 hours = 945 calories

Therefore, Ryan can expect to burn approximately 945 calories if he works out for 1.5 hours.