For a class trip 114 students are put on 4 busses.At this rate how many students would be on 8 busses?

114/4= 57/2

57/2*8= 228

The answer is: At this rate, 228 students would be on 8 buses.



At this rate, there would be 228 on 8 buses.

To find out how many students would be on 8 buses, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

First, we need to determine the ratio of students to buses. In this case, we have 114 students and 4 buses. So, the ratio can be written as:

114 students / 4 buses

To find the number of students on 8 buses, we can set up a proportion by equating the ratios:

114 students / 4 buses = x students / 8 buses

Now we can solve for x by cross-multiplying:

4 * x students = 114 students * 8 buses

4x = 912

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we find:

x = 912 / 4

Simplifying the right side of the equation gives us:

x = 228

Therefore, on 8 buses, there would be 228 students.

Can you put it in a rate or ration in its lowest term?

At this rate 228 students would be on 8 buses

(114/4) * 8 = ?