For questions 1-10 choose the letter of the answer that matches the description. Not all letters will be used.

A. sectionalism
B. Missouri Compromise
C. Andrew Jackson
D. John C. Calhoun
E. Articles of Confederation
F. cabinet
G. tariff
H. treason
I. Daniel Webster
J. Louisiana Purchase
K. nationalism
I Thomas Jefferson

1. The first constitution of the united states

2. loyalty to one's own area rather than the country as a whole

3. The group that advises the president

4. with Clay and Calhoun, one of the founders of the Whig party

5. president responsible for the Louisiana purchase

6. a tax on imports

7. his supporters were called Democrats

8. established a boundary line, drawn westward, north of which slavery would not be permitted

9. the crime of trying to overthrow a government

10. treaty approved by congress which doubled the size of the united states



SO what is the answer? nobody has all day...

umm where's the rest I really need it.

fr anybodyy!!???

To answer these questions, match the description with the appropriate letter:

1. The first constitution of the United States - E. Articles of Confederation
Explanation: The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution adopted by the United States in 1781.

2. Loyalty to one's own area rather than the country as a whole - A. sectionalism
Explanation: Sectionalism refers to the loyalty and interests of a particular region or section of a country, rather than the nation as a whole.

3. The group that advises the president - F. cabinet
Explanation: The cabinet is a group of appointed officials who advise the President on various matters.

4. With Clay and Calhoun, one of the founders of the Whig party - I. Daniel Webster
Explanation: Daniel Webster, along with Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, was one of the founders of the Whig party in the United States.

5. President responsible for the Louisiana Purchase - J. Louisiana Purchase
Explanation: The Louisiana Purchase was a land acquisition deal in 1803, and it was approved by President Thomas Jefferson.

6. A tax on imports - G. tariff
Explanation: A tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods.

7. His supporters were called Democrats - C. Andrew Jackson
Explanation: Andrew Jackson was a U.S. President, and his supporters were called Democrats. He was known for his populist policies and expanding the power of the presidency.

8. Established a boundary line, drawn westward, north of which slavery would not be permitted - B. Missouri Compromise
Explanation: The Missouri Compromise was an agreement reached in 1820 that established a boundary line, prohibiting slavery north of 36°30′ latitude in the western territories of the United States.

9. The crime of trying to overthrow a government - H. treason
Explanation: Treason refers to the act of betraying one's own country, particularly by trying to overthrow the government.

10. Treaty approved by Congress which doubled the size of the United States - J. Louisiana Purchase
Explanation: The Louisiana Purchase, a treaty approved by Congress, doubled the size of the United States by acquiring a significant amount of territory from France in 1803.

And you think ... ?