Can a hexagon have angles that measure 85 62 133 95173 160

If the sum of those angles adds up to 720 degrees, then they can be the angles of a hexagon.

If the sum of all angles of the hexagon is 720 degree.then they will be actually a hexagon.

You want to paddle a canoe across a small lake and want to know how far it is to the other side you take measurements on your side of the lake and make the drawing shown what is the distance x across the lake? Make a proportion

No, a hexagon cannot have the angles you provided. To determine if a given polygon with a certain number of sides is valid, you can use the following formula:

Sum of interior angles = (n - 2) * 180 degrees,

where n is the number of sides in the polygon.

For a hexagon (a polygon with six sides), the formula would be:

Sum of interior angles = (6 - 2) * 180 = 4 * 180 = 720 degrees.

If we add up the angles you provided: 85 + 62 + 133 + 95173 + 160 = 95413 degrees, which is much greater than the sum of interior angles of a hexagon (720 degrees). Therefore, it is not possible for a hexagon to have angles that measure 85, 62, 133, 95173, and 160 degrees.