I need 3 important quotes from the book Iqbal by francesso d'adamo

I found one which is about Iqbal Masib who ran away from the Carpet Factory. I need 2 more but I can't find any. Can you please help me?

can you help me, I need to find 3 quotes from the book Iqbal, by francesso d'adamo but I do not have the book, they need to be about child labor!


my life is bkrsj

Certainly! To find additional quotes from the book Iqbal by Francesco D'Adamo, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Read the book thoroughly: Begin by carefully reading the entire book Iqbal. Pay attention to key moments, significant dialogues, and insightful passages that resonate with the themes of the story.

2. Analyze the characters: Identify the main characters in the book, such as Iqbal, Fatima, and Hussain Khan. Pay attention to their thoughts, motivations, and emotions throughout the story. Look for any memorable quotes that highlight their perspectives or provide insight into their experiences.

3. Contextualize the story: Consider the historical and social context of the book. Reflect on the conditions of child labor and exploitation depicted in the narrative. Look for quotes that shed light on these issues or showcase the characters' resilience and determination.

4. Look for pivotal moments: Identify significant events or moments within the plot that carry emotional weight or contribute to the development of the story's themes. These moments often give rise to impactful quotes that can be used in analyses or discussions.

By employing these strategies and closely examining the text, you should be able to find two more important quotes from the book Iqbal by Francesco D'Adamo. Remember to take notes as you read, as this will help you stay organized and document any quotes or passages that stand out to you.

You have a whole book -- and you can't find two quotations? I don't understand.