Riding on a school bus are 20 students in ninth grade, 10 students in tenth grade, 9 students in eleventh grade, and 7 students in twelfth grade. Approximately what percent of students on the bus are in ninth grade?

How do I go about solving this?

total number of students on the bus = 46

so what is the percentage equivalent of 20/46 ?
You just want an approximation.
If it had been 20/50 it would have been 40%
you the denominator is a bit less than 50, so your
percentage is a bit more than 40%,
How about 43% or 44% ?

To solve this problem, you will need to find the percentage of ninth-grade students among all the students on the bus.

Step 1: Find the total number of students on the bus.
Add the number of students in each grade level: 20 ninth graders + 10 tenth graders + 9 eleventh graders + 7 twelfth graders = 46 students.

Step 2: Calculate the percentage.
To find the percentage, divide the number of ninth-grade students by the total number of students and then multiply by 100.
(20 ninth graders / 46 total students) * 100 = 43.48%.

Therefore, approximately 43.48% of the students on the bus are in the ninth grade.