What traditions have grown around baseball, and how do they affect the people who play and love the game?

Think on hot dogs, and hats/caps. That is a tradition worthy of a few paragraphs.

The tradition on caps has carried over to other sports, and...gangs...

The mannerisms that a society associates with often come to characterize not only a social culture, but a nation as well. In America, the aspect that most defines American culture and way of life is the game of baseball. It is a cultural icon above all others. It is a sport rooted in the American spirit, and characterized by its ever-present place in the hearts of all Americans. It is the national pastime, the American sport, one cherished and loved by an entire nation. In many ways, it symbolizes not only America, but the American spirit. The scholar Gerald Early wrote, " I think that there are only three things that America will be known for two thousand years from now when they study this civilization; the constitution, jazz music, and baseball. They're the three most beautiful designed things this country has ever produced." From its very conception, throughout its evolution, and even in its modern day existence, baseball has a special and unique place in our national history and culture. Its creation was seen as an accomplishment of a uniquely American nature. As America as a nation evolved, so did the sport of baseball. During the age of Industrial growth, when cities were vastly expanding, baseball was seen as a pastoral presence in an ever-growing urban environment. Baseball symbolized society, even in all its glories and faults. This especially can be seen when it comes to racial segregation. Racial segregation plagued American society for generations, and sadly, during much of the 19th and 20th centuries, baseball was as segregated as America herself. The result of this culminated in the Negro Leagues, an African-American baseball organization. In so many ways, baseball is a symbol of America. Never has there been such a uniquely American cultural phenomenon that has had such a historical impact on the nation. Baseball is the national pastime, an honor no other sport is bestowed with, and it exists as a direct result of the American spirit. There is no other sport so rich in history as baseball, and certainly none of greater identity to the nation. Baseball exits as a representation of America, her culture, and all that she stands for.

I think the tradition of a World Series to declare an over-all champion has carried over into other sports and other endeavors, like beauty pageants and other things, too. We even have a world series in little-league baseball and softball now, a Miss America, a Miss Universe, etc., not to mention the Superbowl, the NBA championships, etc. And we're trying to figure out how to declare a national champion in college football now, akin to the Superbowl, for good or for ill.


Baseball, as America's national pastime, has a rich history of traditions that have become deeply ingrained in the sport. These traditions not only add to the lore and charm of the game but also have a significant impact on both the players and the fans who love it. Let's explore some of the key traditions in baseball and how they affect those involved.

1. Opening Day: One of the most significant traditions in baseball is Opening Day, which marks the start of the regular season. It has become a ceremonial event filled with festivities and rituals, often involving parades, special ceremonies, and the first pitch being thrown by a notable personality. This tradition creates a sense of excitement and anticipation for players and fans alike, setting the tone for the entire season.

2. National Anthem and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame": Before every baseball game, the American national anthem is played, and during the seventh-inning stretch, fans join together to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." These traditions serve as symbols of patriotism, unity, and a shared love for the game. Players often express pride when singing the anthem, and fans find comfort in the familiarity of these rituals.

3. Seventh-Inning Stretch: As mentioned, the seventh-inning stretch is a tradition where fans take a break, stand up, and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." This tradition provides a refreshing pause during the game, creating a sense of camaraderie between fans and players as they come together in this lighthearted moment. It helps to invigorate the crowd and maintain a festive atmosphere throughout the game.

4. "Play Ball!": The umpire's call of "Play Ball!" at the start of the game is another longstanding tradition in baseball. This simple yet powerful phrase signals the beginning of competition and brings a rush of adrenaline to both players and fans. It's a reminder that the game is about to unfold, and anything can happen on that field.

5. Baseball Superstitions: Baseball players are often known for their superstitions and rituals, such as wearing lucky socks or following a specific routine before games. While these traditions may seem trivial, they play a psychological role in providing comfort, confidence, and a sense of control to players. Love for the game is deeply intertwined with these personal rituals and beliefs, adding an aura of mystique and individualism to the sport.

6. Keeping Score: Scorekeeping, a tradition dating back over a century, allows fans to actively engage with the game by tracking and recording every play. By keeping score, fans develop a deeper understanding of the strategies, statistics, and nuances of baseball. It fosters a connection to the game that goes beyond passive spectatorship, making fans feel more involved and invested in their team's performance.

These traditions affect people who play and love baseball in various ways. For players, traditions create a sense of identity, belonging, and continuity in a sport deeply rooted in history. They carry the weight of these traditions, viewing themselves as part of a larger legacy. For fans, these traditions provide a sense of nostalgia, community, and a bond with fellow supporters. They contribute to the overall experience and make baseball more than just a game, turning it into an enduring cultural phenomenon.

To explore and understand the impact of traditions around baseball, you can dive deeper by reading books and articles about the history of the sport, attending games to witness the rituals firsthand, engaging with baseball forums or communities, and listening to interviews or documentaries featuring players and fans who discuss their personal experiences with these traditions.