Hi, so I'm writing an expository essay and one of the requirements asks for the following:

"Claim, example, warrant format in each body paragraph."

What exactly does this mean? I understand I have to give examples, but does "claim" and "warrant" mean that I have to do citations and references? Just not sure if this is what it wants.


Oh okay (thank goodness!), thank you Reed!:)

You're welcome. :)

The "claim, example, warrant" format is commonly used in expository writing to structure a body paragraph. Understanding each component will help you meet the requirements of your essay:

1. Claim: The claim is the main point or argument you are making in a paragraph. It is a statement that presents a position or opinion. For example, if your essay is about the benefits of regular exercise, a claim could be: "Regular exercise promotes overall physical and mental well-being."

2. Example: The example provides evidence and support for your claim. It helps illustrate or demonstrate the validity of your argument. In the context of the exercise essay, you could provide an example like: "A study published in the Journal of Exercise Science found that individuals who engaged in regular physical activity experienced reduced levels of stress and improved cognitive function."

3. Warrant: The warrant explains the connection between the example and the claim. It is the logical reasoning or explanation for why the example supports the claim. In the exercise essay, the warrant could state: "This study supports the claim that regular exercise benefits mental well-being because it demonstrates the positive impact of physical activity on reducing stress and improving cognitive function."

To clarify, "claim, example, warrant" does not necessarily require citations and references in the traditional sense. Instead, it focuses on structuring your paragraph by presenting a claim, providing an example, and explaining the reasoning behind how the example supports the claim. However, if your essay requires citations or references, ensure that you follow the specific guidelines provided by your instructor or the assigned writing style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Remember, the primary purpose of this format is to help you construct coherent and persuasive body paragraphs by clearly stating your argument, offering supporting evidence, and explaining the logical connection between them.