Is positive psychology the study of happiness?

Or is it more broad- the study of all positive human attributes?

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It seems to be the study of happiness.

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Positive psychology is indeed more broad than just the study of happiness. While happiness is certainly a key element of positive psychology, it encompasses the study of all positive aspects of human life. The primary focus of positive psychology is to understand and promote flourishing, well-being, and optimal functioning in individuals and communities.

To explore this topic further and gain a deeper understanding, you can follow these steps to find more information:

1. Read academic articles and books: Positive psychology originated as a scientific field of study, so academic journals and research papers can provide comprehensive insights into its principles and theories. Look for books written by influential positive psychology researchers like Martin Sen, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and Barbara Fredrickson.

2. Online resources: Visit reputable websites such as the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania (authentic site URL: or the International Positive Psychology Association ( to access articles, videos, and resources related to positive psychology.

3. Online courses or lectures: Explore online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or edX, which offer courses on positive psychology. These courses are often created and taught by experts in the field and provide a structured learning experience.

4. Consult academic databases: Utilize databases like Google Scholar, PsychINFO, or JSTOR to access scholarly articles and papers on positive psychology. These platforms allow you to search for studies, research findings, and scientific publications related to the field.

Remember, positive psychology encompasses various aspects of well-being, resilience, positive emotions, character strengths, positive relationships, and overall human flourishing. Therefore, it is essential to consult multiple sources and experts within the field to develop a comprehensive understanding of positive psychology beyond just happiness.