(Use the passage to answer the question.)

8. Read lines 5 – 9 from “The Olympic Swimmer.”

Swimmers swivel, splash, and kick
Back and forth in a clear, blue pool;
Like fish at play in Neptune’s sea.
Swimming relaxed, and calm, and free.
These stars, like sharks, cut the waves –

The author MOST LIKELY uses the images in this stanza to imply that __________

A. Swimming can be a form of recreation.
B. Swimmers appear to enjoy their sport.
C. Swimming provides a sense of fulfillment.***
D. Swimmers move smoothly through the water.

I agree.

The correct answer based on the passage is C. Swimming provides a sense of fulfillment.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the images used in the given stanza and their likely implications.

In these lines, the author compares swimmers' actions to those of fish and sharks in the water. The use of imagery such as "swivel, splash, and kick," "cut the waves," and "like fish at play in Neptune's sea" suggest a sense of movement, agility, and ease.

Considering these images, the most likely implication is that swimming provides a sense of fulfillment (Option C). The combination of words like "swimming relaxed, and calm, and free," along with the comparison to fish playing in the sea, suggests that swimmers experience a sense of joy and fulfillment while swimming.